Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) is an effective tool for carrying out an analysis of layers of protection and the residual risk level associated with a project. This study uses the analyses originating from HAZOP and related processes to assess the causes of non-tolerable risks. It complements them by implementing the frequency of occurrence of the initial events, the independent cause and frequency of failure of layers of protection, as well as other additional modifiers.

Pryxida TECH offers an execution method through workshops that take into account the experience of their participants, modifier databases, and good practices, in order to carry out the study fruitfully and efficiently. Our objective is to provide clients with analyses and recommendations that, when put into effect, lower the residual risk to an acceptable level. Also, we seek that the results obtained from the LOPA allow the asset owner to verify the level of integrity (SIL) required by the Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) and ensure an integrated analysis of the system’s level of safety.