QRA – Quantitative Risk Analysis

A Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) is a technique that allows for systematic risk calculations associated with hazard manifestations. This assessment considers the magnitude of possible consequences and the frequency at which they occur in order to tailor a risk analysis for the client. Various approaches determine individual (IR) or social (SR) risk, which are then defined as being tolerable or not by means of ALARP (“as low as reasonably practicable”) or other criteria accepted by the accept owner.

This study – as carried out by Pryxida TECH – provide information critical to understanding and safeguarding against risk exposure among employees, the environment, and the client’s assets and reputation. This information also serves as a decision-making tool for the client to manage risk levels throughout the project development, in determining equipment location in new facilities, modifying existing areas, or for implementing emergency alert systems in the event of a fire, explosion, or release of toxic substances.

Studio Development Software

Pryxida TECH has an internal tool for risk calculation. However, our specialists have experience in the use of specialized tools in risk analysis such as: DNV PHAST Risk or SAFETI, if their use is required.

Additionally, we seek that our clients have a clear vision of the study that is carried out. For this reason, we offer work tables for presentation of results, clarification of doubts and thus ensure that the objective of the owner of the asset is achieved.

Minimum Information Required

  • Process Flow Diagrams (PFD)
  • Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID)
  • Operating data and procedures
  • Mass and energy balances
  • Equipment datasheets
  • Process material composition


At the end of the study the client will receive a report containing:

  • Comprehensive process description
  • Identification of any/all scenarios subjected to study
  • Results of risk analysis in the client’s chosen format
  • Conclusions and recommendations for risk control