Process Safety Solutions for Oil & Gas
Process safety design and consulting with a focus on the prevention of fire, explosions, and improper containment of hazardous substances that can cause catastrophic events affecting people, infrastructure, or the environment.
A team of highly skilled technical specialists and leaders in the realm of project safety analyses who develop and implement process safety management systems, as well as perform the following in order to achieve an inherently safer design.

Process Safety
- Check lists
- What-If
- Bow-Tie
- Hazard Identification (HAZID)
- Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)
- Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA)
- Fire Hazard Assessment (FHA)
- Fire Risk Assessment (FRA)
Layers of Mitigation
- Assessment and design of physical barriers in the event of a leakage
- Assessment and design of relief and venting systems that act in the event of an overpressure
Emergency, Contingency and Evacuation Plans
- Evacuation Plans and Models
- Emergency and Contingency Plans
- Disaster Management Plans
Fire Protection Systems
- Consequence Analysis with PHAST, FDS, ALOHA
– Fire Modeling
–Explosion Modeling
– Gas Dispersion Modeling – Toxic and/or Flammable - Fire, Toxic Gas, and Smoke Detection Systems (F&G)
- Fire and gas coverage assessment with verification of 3D coverage and system availability
- Massive Notification Systems under NFPA 72
- Active Fire Protection Systems
– Water-based
– Foam-based
– Clean Agent-based
– Chemical Dust-based
– Special Agent-based - Passive Fire Protection Systems
- Normalized Operative Protocol (NOP) Development
- Operation Manual Development
Process Control
- Process Automatization and Control Practices
- Safety Requirement Specifications
- Alarm Management
- Layers of Protection (LOPA)
- Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
- Control Hazard and Operability (CHAZOP)