Our Team
Julián Ospina
Associate Engineer Specialist in Mechanical Integrity
Mechanical engineer with 20 years of professional experience in the oil and gas, chemical and power generation systems industry, with a emphasis on risk engineering and loss prevention. Supervisor of fire protection engineering designs, quantitative risk analysis (QRA), consequence analysis, and transient phenomena studies.
Vanesa Trillos
Associate Engineer specializing in Process Safety
Chemical engineer with over 16 years of work experience in the general industry, chemical industry, and oil and gas sectors, including pipelines. Emphasis on chemical process safety, specializing in project management and MBA. Facilitator of process hazard analysis (PHA) such as HAZID, What-if, and HAZOP, among others.
William Gutiérrez
Associate Engineer Director GIS – Detection and Alarm Systems Specialist
Electronic engineer with more than 12 years of work experience in fire and gas detection systems, coverage evaluation based on ISA-TR84.00.07, fire protection systems and RAM analysis. Specialist in electronic instrumentation with a master’s degree in Reliability and Risk Engineering.
Andrés Valencia
Associate Engineer Specialist in Functional Safety, CAP, CFSE
Chemical engineer with 15+ years of work experience in process safety consulting, risk analysis, mechanical integrity, protection and mitigation layers in production, transportation, and refining areas in the petrochemical, oil, and general industries. Master’s degree in chemical engineering.
Ricardo Santa
In memory of our Dear Ricardo that is no longer with us…You will be miss